Cabo Verde No. 2

Cabo Verde No. 2
15th April 2020 C&K
In News

A beautiful hue of a forecast with plenty more conviction this time round:) Each day the wind intensified and the waves bulked up. This intrepid group devoured everything that mother nature could hurl at them. A flurry of spray, spins and airs under a collective and omnipresent smile. Waveriding, strapless skills and even some extremely decent twinny freestyle. So much changed in such a short time, but the bonhomie and togetherness ensured that everyone made the most of it, made it home safe, sound and on time. A magical week. One thing’s for sure, there are enough waves and moves stored in the memory banks to ponder, grin about, and last until the next time that the toes dip into the wet salty stuff. Love and hugs to all our friends in Sal…