
20th February 2018 C&K
In News

Brazil the 1st – What a jolly fortnight. A quick mention must go to the unfortunate cocktail of poor weather and somewhat ambitious flight planning, resulting in pink dolphins and extra sightseeing for some, before the games and caipis commenced in earnest. The ultimate melange of boys and girls keeping things honest on the water and chivalrous off it. Plenty of twin tip showing off, but also a hefty dose of surfboards with more strapless action than a night at the Oscars. Fun road trips, down-winders, Manatees, oodles of progress, great food, plenty of refreshments, and fortunately a few Drs present due to a bad case tack-itis. The wonderful help of Heliarde. The beautiful new Switchblade and Drifter deserve a mention too. Really too much to go through, but a fantastic turn out for fancy dress, Sian’s face paint, those jumps and strapless ease in the waves, Social Secretary Henry present and correct (thankyou for always being there so no one ever has a tipple alone), legendary blind and the hat tip air gybe:), Louise getting the grab shot with a year to spare, John for keeping Heliarde busy – but the down-loops were worth it, Alan’s textbook tack (and those top turns), Simone’s tacks and those sharp links, Hot Sauce’s air and speed runs, Andre’s great airs and gybe’s and unrelenting bonhomie, Adi’s toeside and love of flat water, Roger’s blossoming into a fully fledged member of the Edgau club, Matt’s admirable ever fearless approach to both the twin tip and strapless, Mr Wilsons cheeky tacks and lagoon clearing partnerships (hope you mend well and asap). We enjoyed every minute of madness….